martedì 21 maggio 2013

Debut of the Journal of Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies

Joseph Donnermeyer and Cory Anderson (Rural Sociology, Ohio State University) are pleased to announce the debut of the Journal of Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies. The goal with this journal is to meet the growing demand for publishing outlets on empirical plain Anabaptist research. The journal is open access (free) and hosted/published by Ohio State University’s Knowledge Bank (http://kb.osu.ed...u/dspace/handle/1811/54899). Print editions are available from Ridgeway Publishers shortly after web releases and may be ordered at 585-798-0050. For now, the journal will be published twice a year in April and October. They are looking to the expertise of other scholars to join us in this effort, especially through your submissions and peer reviews.

In the first issue, the co-editors attempt to situate the focus of this journal across a series of three articles, addressing the ‘who, what, and where’ of plain Anabaptists. The next three articles, by other contributors, focus on topical areas: demography, entrepreneurs/social networks, and history. They are presently working on a lineup of articles for the second and third issues and would welcome submissions at this time from those in academia and from plain Anabaptist researchers as well. Please see the statement about the journal and submissions.

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